Primary School De Schans

Primary School De Schans

The problem

The problem

In the spring of 2019, we were contacted by the technical department of the Municipal Primary School “De Schans” in Laakdal. They explained the problem to us: the large refectory was anything but pleasant for both the children and the staff to have lunch in the afternoon. The many noises kept reverberating and created a deafening noise.

Our solution

Our solution

When we went by to perform a reverberation measurement, the acoustics in the room were indeed found to be substandard: it measured a reverberation time of 1.7 seconds long. To bring it down to an acceptable level (a reverberation time of 0.8 seconds), we needed about 37 m² of our acoustic panels.



So that the children's artworks could stay against the walls, we decided to attach our acoustic solutions to the ceiling. So we installed three large custom acoustic ceiling panels (COUSTceilings) of up to 5m50 by 2m²5 long. This immediately improved the acoustics! Both children and teachers could now look forward to the lunch break. So many satisfied customers at once!

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T +32 9 296 46 10

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